Official Legal Publication serving Lincoln County and the Towns of Arriba, Genoa, Hugo, Karval and Limon
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Necessary price increases at The Leader

Necessary price increases at The Leader


By Catherine Thurston--Manager, Editor, Publisher and Chief Bottle Washer of The Leader.

Newspapers are realizing we have undervalued ourselves for over 200 years.  Those first penny press papers that were published in 1830 were available to a wider audience due to the printing press making it easier and cheaper to produce newspapers.  Newspapers have been around since the 16th century and have blossomed into 8, 10, 12, 16, 20  page newspapers full of interesting and important information.  The Leader is full of local news and color photos of Lincoln County people, events, and government. 

Unfortunately, newspapers are no longer easy or cheap to produce.  As a result, we are raising our subscription rate to $80.00/year for both in state and out of state subscribers.  The $80.00 includes access to the online version.  Our online only version of the newspaper is $50.00 per year and available at  If you pick up your paper at a local business, they will cost $2 per issue.  Our advertising rates are increasing as well.  They are detailed in the information to the left on this page.

A great deal of community support is needed to continue your newspaper.   We offered a poll in the paper and on our Facebook page which showed us that many of you are willing to provide that support.  It is encouraging to know that the vast majority (53 yes votes to 1 vote no) of you think The Leader is still important to the local community.  While a smaller majority of you (53 yes votes to 18 votes no) responded that you would be willing to pay more for The Leader, we are optimistic about the value of this newspaper and its importance to our community. 

We also invite all of our local businesses to advertise with us.  We understand the investment you make in advertising and the importance of promoting the businesses that sustain us.  Your ad will not only go in the paper each week, but can also appear on our on-line version and we can promote your business to our Facebook audience as well.  Your success is our success.

We've had positive response regarding coverage of local meetings, but we are still looking for volunteers or contractors to cover the important meetings and local events happening around our community.

Your support is necessary for continued publication, so please sponsor, subscribe, submit photos and articles and coverage on events.  Ask your friends and neighbors, even those who have moved away, to do the same.

We are so grateful for the community’s support for The Leader. This newspaper has been a cornerstone of local life for generations, providing news and a sense of connection. However, the realities of modern publishing demand innovation and collaboration to sustain this vital resource for the future. 

We will continue to publish weekly and send out renewal notices each month.  You are welcome to stop by the office to renew your subscription, place an advertisement or share some gossip.  Your input and suggestions are always welcomed.

Thank you.