Official Legal Publication serving Lincoln County and the Towns of Arriba, Genoa, Hugo, Karval and Limon
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Town of Limon Agenda


Sept. 5, 2024 - 7 p.m.

(1) Roll Call

(2) Pledge of Allegiance

(3) Approval of Minutes

(4) Public Input for Items Not on Agenda

(5) Rotary Special Events Permit Request

(6) Resolution No. 24-09-19; Pickup Purchase

(7) Public Hearing: Model Traffic Code

(8) Ordinance No. 640; Amend Municipal Code for Model Traffic Code

(9) Ordinance No. 641: Amend Municipal Code Regarding General Offenses

(10) Ordinance No. 642; Municipal Code Update

(11) Attorney’s Report

(12) Administration Reports

(13) Mayor’s Report

(14) Trustees’ Reports

(15) Approval of Bills

(16) Adjournment